Positive Vibes Mentor Shares Interview Tips

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Positives Vibes broke new ground by hosting a successful Facebook live session for young people to boost interview & employability skills to prepare them for the cut throat industry that goes beyond qualifications. The session was insightful as the Speaker, Shekinah Chipere who is a Positive Vibes Community Youth Club Mentor shared loads of tips for interviewees.

During the live presentation Shekinah gave practical tips on how to ace an interview going through live examples of what interviwees can use in order to come up tops. He also mentioned that due to the pandemic most companies now prefer to interview candidates virtually hence the need to be professional and bring the ‘A -Game’ to secure the much needed job or internship.

Shekinah also shared the STAR method to help people shape up their interview responses.

What Is the STAR Interview Method?

The STAR interview technique offers a straightforward format one can use to answer behavioral interview questions—those prompts that ask the candidate to provide a real-life example of how they handled a certain kind of situation at work in the past.

Thinking of a fitting example for your response is just the beginning. Then you also need to share the details in a compelling and easy-to-understand way—without endless rambling.

STAR is an acronym that stands for:

Situation: Set the scene and give the necessary details of your example.
Task: Describe what your responsibility was in that situation.
Action: Explain exactly what steps you took to address it.
Result: Share what outcomes your actions achieved.

Speaker Profile: – Shekinah Chipere is a Business & Technology Analyst with Accenture and Prince Charles Trust Mentee

Link For replays: https://www.facebook.com/posvibesyouth/posts/155868259609682



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